Junior Mountaineering Club of Scotland
(Glasgow Section)

List of Club Contacts

President - Niel Craig

Overall responsibility for the running of the club.

Secretary - Svetlana Vavulina

Responsible for day-to-day administration of the club, contact Svetlana if you have a general enquiry.

New Members Secretary - Lyndsey Marris

Responsible for introducing prospective members to the club. You should contact Lyndsey if you want to meet us or find out more about the club.

Coruisk Hut Bookings - Dave Eaton

Responsible for taking bookings for our club hut at Coruisk on Skye. Contact Dave if you wish to make a booking, or see this page for more information.

Treasurer - Andrew Sommerville

Responsible for the financial management of the club. Contact Andrew if you wish to give a donation (or for any other fiscal matters!).

© 1925-2024 JMCS Glasgow Section | Contact:
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